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Orthosilicic Acid

Orthosilicic Acid Supplement Stabilized by Choline

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A silicon-rich formulation for reinvigorating the skin and hair, and remineralizing the bones.

  • Combines the best compounds for the health and appearance of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Silicon (orthosilicic acid) also helps prevent bone demineralization.
  • Contains vitamin B12 and minerals, excellent for the skin and bones.
  • High content in carnitine, which promotes energy production in the mitochondria.
  • Also contains MSM, a sulfur-containing compound that helps fight joint discomfort.
  • Enriched with choline to maximize the silicon's bioavailability.

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Orthosilicic Acid

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Orthosilicic Acid is a high-quality liquid supplement containing silicon (orthosilicic acid) combined with other synergistic nutrients: choline, carnitine, MSM, four minerals, etc. The ingredients in this supplement have been chosen for their ability to support the health of the skin, nails, hair, bones, and connective tissue (1-3).

The formulation is therefore included in our bone, muscle, and joint health category.

What Exactly is Organic Silicon? And Orthosilicic Acid?

The chemical element silicon has the atomic number 14 in the periodic table. The most abundant element in Earth's crust after oxygen, it exists in various forms in sand, quartz, feldspars... It is also an important trace-element for the body, where it is present in the form of organic silicon. It is involved in the formation of bones, skin, ligaments, cartilage, hair, and nails, and plays a role in immune health (4).

We ingest small amounts of silicon when we drink mineral water and eat certain plant-source foods (cereals, grains, beer...).

Stabilized orthosilicic acid is a high-quality liquid form of silicon. Produced using a specific, proprietary process, it is different from the low-bioavailability, low-absorption silicon found in standard supplements. Stabilized orthosilicic acid is the best known form of organic silicon for the body (5).

What is Choline Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid?

Orthosilicic acid itself is a combination of a single silicon atom surrounded by four hydroxide arms. The compound itself is unstable, making it unusable for supplementary purposes, but what makes an orthosilicic acid supplement so potent is the addition of choline to make choline stabilized orthosilicic acid.

Choline is a type of nutrient that the average person consumes every day. It can be found in common foods like chicken, cauliflower, and almonds. Most people already consume enough choline every day to meet their daily dietary requirements.

Choline also has the potential to stabilize orthosilicic acid, meaning that choline orthosilicic acid is a valuable compound and supplement for the body.

Ordinarily, most orthosilicic acid sources would lead to most of the valuable nutrients being excreted from the body. The SuperSmart formulation differs because our orthosilicic acid formula has been designed with maximum absorption in mind.

Enjoy a better standard of health with our stabilized orthosilicic acid supplement.

What does this Orthosilicic Acid Supplement Contain?

Our Orthosilicic Acid 5 mg supplement is a combination of:

  • Silicon (in the form of orthosilicic acid);
  • Choline (in the form of choline chloride);
  • Zinc (in the form of zinc chloride);
  • Boron (in the form of boric acid);
  • Manganese (in the form of manganese citrate);
  • Selenium (in the form of sodium selenite);
  • Vitamin B12 (in the form of methylcobalamin);
  • L-carnitine (in the form of L-carnitine hydrochloride);
  • And methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).

It is completed by the addition of distilled water, calcium chloride, and magnesium citrate.

What Benefits does our Silicon Supplement Orthosilicic Acid Offer?

Health and enhancement of the skin, hair, and nails

To start with, several of the ingredients in Orthosilicic Acid support the health and appearance of skin, hair, and nails.

Silicon helps reduce wrinkles and hydrate the skin. It acts, in particular, by encouraging production of collagen and elastin. One study on women aged 40 to 65 showed that supplementing with orthosilicic acid reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and improved skin elasticity (6). By stimulating production of keratin, silicon also helps combat hair loss, make hair shinier, and nails more vigorous (7).

On the mineral side, zinc helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails and is involved in the process of cell renewal (8). And selenium as well, is good for hair and nails (9).

Protective effect on bones and connective tissue

With its ability to support calcium deposition in bones, silicon is an important ingredient for bone and connective tissue. Silicon supplementation reduces the number of osteoclasts, the cells responsible for bone resorption, and increases that of osteoblasts, those responsible for bone formation. It therefore significantly helps reduce bone demineralization and combat osteoporosis. It also helps bone fractures heal faster (10). Delivering 5 mg of elemental silicon per daily dose, this supplement makes it possible to substantially increase your intake of silicon.

In terms of bone health, zinc is again of benefit, in this case, helping to maintain healthy bones (11). Manganese also supports bone health and is involved in normal formation of connective tissue (12).

Important ingredient of the arterial wall

The aorta is one of the largest sources of silicon within the body. Unfortunately, silicon levels naturally fall away with age. Current science reveals that there is a solid possibility that the drop in silicon levels is a major contributing factor to the aging of the arteries and the health consequences that come with damage to the arterial walls of the body.

The CDC reveals that coronary heart disease is the leading form of heart disease in the country, with almost 366,000 people dying from the disease in 2017. Shockingly, an estimated 18 million adults under the age of 30 already suffer from coronary heart disease, making it one of the leading killers of young and old in America.

Several post-mortem studies have revealed decreased silicon levels found within the tissues of patients with atherosclerosis relative to the arteries within a healthy individual. It is estimated that a healthy individual will have more than ten times the amount of silicon in both the carotid artery and aorta.

Supplementation has been shown to combat the problem, particularly with LDL oxydation, in both animal and human studies, making the addition of silicon one of the most important orthosilicic acid uses that exist.

Additional benefits of Orthosilicic Acid

This organic silicon supplement offers several other benefits for the health. It supports:

  • Normal immune system function via zinc, selenium, and vitamin B12 (13).
  • Protection of cells from oxidative stress via manganese and selenium (14).
  • Normal nervous system function and blood cell formation via vitamin B12 (15).
  • Detoxification via silicon, which also helps reduce accumulation of aluminum in the body (16).

In addition, this formulation is notable for the presence of L-carnitine, an amino acid that supports energy production by mitochondria (17) and MSM, which helps relieve joint pain, in synergy with silicon, also good for maintaining joint flexibility. Silicon is involved, for example, in synthesizing glycosaminoglycans (GAG) present in cartilage (18-19).

What Natural Ways are there of Supporting your Skin and Bone Health?

With passing years, the skin develops wrinkles and starts to sag, the hair becomes thinner and may fall out, nails get weaker, and bones become porous, unstable, and brittle... What can we do to slow down this relentless decline?

Adopt these simple measures to help keep your body at its best:

  • Cleanse and exfoliate your face thoroughly, moisturize daily with a natural cream, protect your skin from the sun, and try to get around 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • For your hair, do not use too much shampoo, nourish it with plant oil once a week, and avoid using hairdryers and straighteners (the heat damages the hair's protective sheath).
  • You can also moisturize your nails and avoid cutting or removing the cuticles.
  • To take care of your bones, eat dairy products and drink mineral water (rich in calcium), consume less salt and coffee, cut down or stop smoking, and take regular exercise to help strengthen your bone matrix.

Another Strength of this Liquid Orthosilicic Acid Supplement

Standard silicon supplements generally have low or even no bioavailability. But Orthosilicic Acid contains an ingredient that sets it apart: choline, another of the supplement's solid points.

This organic compound and essential nutrient is used here as a stabilizer. It prevents the polymerization of the orthosilicic acid into polysilicic acids and then silica gel, which can make the silicon less absorbable. It therefore increases the bioavailability of the organic silicon and improves the supplement's general efficacy (20).

Two Supplements to Take Alongside Orthosilicic Acid

If you want to go further in enhancing the health and beauty of your skin, hair, and nails, you can combine Orthosilicic Acid supplementation with the formulation Daily Beauty. Doubly-encapsulated, these capsules contain all the best pro-beauty compounds: collagen peptides, vitamin B3, and biotin for the skin, solubilized keratin for the hair and nails... (21-22) It is a genuine all-in-one beauty formula.

If you also want to strengthen your bones, then alongside our choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid, you can supplement with vitamin K, which helps maintain healthy bones. The gold-standard product Complete K combines the best forms of vitamin K (menaquinone 4 and menaquinone 7) for maintaining robust and sturdy bones (23).

Orthosilicic Acid Side Effects

Understanding what orthosilicic acid is should form the beginning of your research. However, taking an orthosilicic acid supplement to combat the problem of premature arterial aging caused by low silicon levels requires caution.

Any choline supplement from stabilized orthosilicic acid has the potential to cause uncomfortable and unpleasant side effects. For the vast majority of people, there will be no problematic choline stabilized orthosilicic acid side effects.

Nonetheless, it is vital that you perform your own research by reading through scientific studies and gathering anecdotal evidence from others who have already taken this supplement.

You should also schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss the choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid benefits. If you are already taking prescription medication for an existing condition, you need to be aware of the potential for negative drug interactions.

Talking to a doctor first will mitigate the risk of side effects and ensure you get the maximum orthosilicic acid benefits.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. This product is a nutritional supplement and should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.


Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. Keep out of reach of children.


If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any medical conditions, consult your healthcare provider before using this product.


Consult your healthcare provider before use, especially if you are taking any medications or other supplements as there may be potential interactions.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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