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What dietary supplements should you take in spring?

Low immunity, feeling rundown, return of allergies... The spring season brings more than just flowers. Inventory of the best dietary supplements to boost yourself up in spring.

In good health during spring

Why do we need to get back in shape in spring?

As nature comes back to life, spring remains a delicate transition period for our bodies, which are vulnerable at this time.

Exhausted from the hard fight against winter viruses (which can still circulate after March), our immune system starts the spring season on its last legs (1). The hot-cold contrasts associated with temperature variations, common in this season, do not help this weakened state and contribute to multiple episodes of spring colds.

The return of good weather also coincides with air pollination, which for some marks the beginning of seasonal allergies and their share of discomforts (itchy eyes, irritation of the respiratory tract...) (2)

Put to the test by raclettes, foie gras, chocolates, and other table excesses at the beginning of the year, our digestive system is only waiting for one thing: to go green. A perfect opportunity to start a spring detox in due form!

Spring: the best dietary supplements for the season change

Echinacea and immunity

The purple echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) contributes to the health of the immune system and the upper respiratory tract, which includes the nasal cavities, pharynx, and larynx (3-4). Once widely used by Native Americans for snake bites and respiratory diseases, this immunostimulant plant, related to the daisy, is among the most commonly used medicinal plants currently in Europe and North America. Its action is wisely complemented by zinc and vitamin C, both of which contribute to the maintenance of a normal immune function (that's why Immunity Booster combines these three compounds in one capsule, with the addition of an extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae rich in beta-glucans) (5).

Bee products, the vitality secret of Spring

Bees hide unsuspected treasures to help us recharge our batteries in spring. The elixir of life for the "queens" of the hive, who make it their exclusive food, royal jelly is an extremely complete food nutritionally speaking: 15% carbohydrates, 13 to 18% proteins, 3 to 6% fats, B-group vitamins, and a host of minerals (6). It is regularly recommended in 4 to 6-week courses by naturopaths during seasonal transitions, especially in spring and autumn, or occasionally during the year in case of a physical or intellectual slump (Organic Royal Jelly 4% 10-HDA relies on royal jelly from organic farming, packaged in capsules for easy intake).

Moreover, have you ever tried propolis? Synthesized by bees from the resin collected from buds and barks of certain trees, this coating with more than 300 exceptional compounds is used to seal the hive to protect it from microbial and fungal invasions. The one from Brazilian Baccharis gives a green propolis known for its chlorophyll, cinnamic acid, kaempferol content, and especially for artepillin C, a phenolic acid extensively studied in immunology (a precious substance found in Green Propolis) (7).

Spirulina, the super-food energy boost

If you're still feeling exhausted after winter, instead of relying on coffee at the risk of ending up on edge, bet on the super-powers of spirulina! This pseudo-algae (which is more precisely a cyanobacterium) supports energy and vitality due to its exceptional nutritional density (8). Besides its record content in plant proteins (which represent 60% of its mass), it is full of vitamins A, B, E, and K, minerals, and trace elements, as well as rare phytopigments like blue phycocyanin (8).

To kick off spring with a bang, one piece of advice: turn to spirulina supplements from controlled aquaculture (like Spirulina, from the world's best producer of spirulina "Parry Organic Spirulina") to avoid contamination with pollutants.

And against allergens?

Quercetin is a polyphenol of the flavonoid subclass found in many fruits and vegetables like apples, onions, or citrus fruits. Some in vitro and animal studies suggest its role in stabilizing the membranes of mast cells, immune cells that release histamine involved in the allergic cascade (try, for example, liposomal quercetin, highly bioavailable) (9).

Some plants, like spirulina, are also studied for their potential ability to inhibit histamine release, and others, like astragalus, for their potential to regulate the immune system (which overreacts in case of allergy). The synergistic supplement Aller Fight combines these two extracts with maritime pine (which contributes to respiratory health), butterbur, and bromelain (10-12).

Which vitamin cure in Spring?

Some vitamin and mineral cures are of particular interest at the beginning of spring:

  • Vitamin D, whose stocks are at their lowest at the end of winter due to lack of sunlight and which is frequently deficient (oil-based capsules of Vitamin D3 5,000 IU maximize its intestinal absorption) (13) ;
  • Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system as well as to the reduction of tiredness (Triple C delivers a trio of vitamin C for a synergistic action – ascorbic acid, calcium ascorbate, and ascorbyl palmitate) (14) ;
  • Magnesium, which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological function, is ideal for dispelling the slight winter blues (Magnesium Orotate benefits from maximum bioavailability due to its coupling with orotic acid) (15).

Liver detoxification: the plants to favor

In traditional Chinese medicine, spring corresponds to the season of the liver. Therefore, it's the ideal time to take care of this precious organ, which also plays a key role in nutrient digestion. In addition to a diet light in sugars and fats and enriched with antioxidants, it's possible to rely on infusions of dandelion, artichoke leaves, or black radish root (16-17).

But the all-around champion of hepatoprotection is undoubtedly desmodium! This climbing plant native to West Africa and Latin America contributes to liver health by limiting the hepatic damage inflicted by toxins and infectious agents and by facilitating the elimination process (Desmodium Liver Detox offers a powerfully dosed formulation of 400 mg per capsule) (18).



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